Your support matters

Your contribution today plays a vital role in supporting every facet of the VMC and directly influences the efforts of our dedicated veterinarians and their capacity to deliver exceptional care to animals in need.  There are many ways you can make a meaningful gift in honor of the exceptional care your pet received.

Your contributions help ensure that pets receive the advanced care they need, while also serving as a beautiful way to honor beloved pets or those who have cared for your animals. Donor generosity allows our faculty to conduct life-saving research, provides an avenue for hospital improvements and charitable care funds, and allows our students and residents to get the best educations possible. Your gift can be directed to the fund or purpose of your choosing.

Because of you, Ohio State University students, staff and faculty impact the lives of animals and humans for current and future generations.


beagle dog running in grassy backyard
Marissa with her two dogs

Support Your Passion

Ways to Give

Your gift supports the Veterinary Medical Center and ensures pets get the advanced care they need. Let’s work together and build an indelible legacy that will impact the lives of animals and humans for current and future generations.

Questions about giving?

Office of Advancement
127 Veterinary Medicine Academic Building
1900 Coffey Road
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Phone: 614-688-8433