- Services
- Anesthesiology & Pain Management
Anesthesiology & Pain Management
The anesthesia and perioperative pain management service at the Veterinary Medical Center (VMC) provides comprehensive anesthetic and pain management for all species that are patients of the Veterinary Medical Center, with concentration on the common domestic species.
In this section
Service Highlights
Board certified anesthesiologists
Skilled registered veterinary technicians
Anesthesia and pain management for domestic and many exotic species
State-of-the-art monitoring and anesthetic delivery systems
Sevoflurane and isoflurane inhalation anesthesia
ECG, pulse oximetry, capnometry, invasive and non-invasive blood pressure monitoring
Neuromuscular blockade
Epidural analgesia, regional nerve blocks
Perioperative pain management protocols
Ventilator support
Blood gas analysis
What to Expect
Your animal will be cared for by a team consisting of a board certified anesthesiologist, anesthesia resident, registered veterinary technician, and a senior veterinary student who will develop individualized anesthetic plans for each patient. The senior student, under direct supervision, will administer anesthesia and monitor an individual patient throughout the anesthetic episode.
The companion animal and large animal anesthesiology services provide 24-hour support to VMC patients and clinical team members. They are housed within the Hospital for Companion Animals and Hospital for Farm Animals, respectively.
Consultations available for veterinarians only.
(614) 292-3551 (Companion Animal)
(614) 292-6661 (Farm and Equine)
Care Team

Laura Adams

Kathrin O'Donovan
Devyn Reynaga

Sidney Rouse

Payton Beaver

Gidget Curry

Aliya Davis

Megan Davis

Danni Ensell

Devin Hainley

Theresa Hand

Devin Heilman

Elise Henning

Gladys Karpa

Andrea Kavanagh

Aaron Manning

Carl O'Brien

Katie O'Neill