- Services
- Parasitology
The Clinical Veterinary Parasitology Diagnostic Laboratory provides services to the hospital's veterinarians, as well as the veterinarians of Ohio, and the United States. We also support the research community of OSU and other public and private entities involved in animal health.
Laboratory Testing Catalog (Available to VMC personnel only)
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Contact Information
Parasitology Lab - Veterinary Medical Center
601 Vernon L. Tharp Street
Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-8328
Email: VMC.ParasitologyLab@osu.edu
*For questions on optimal sample submission, storage or handling please contact us.
Service Highlights
Stoll’s centrifugal quantitative flotation (favored by the camelid industry)
Haemonchus contortus specific ova staining using fluorescent staining
Fecal egg count reduction testing for drug efficacy evaluations
McMaster’s Technique to enumerate parasite loads in ruminants and equids
Fecal sedimentation to recover fluke ova
Baermann technique
Giardia spp./Cryptosporidium spp. staining or antigen capture
Heartworm/microfiliaria testing and identification
Heat treatment for antigen or antibody testing of samples for Heartworm suspects
Gross specimen identifications via special arrangements
Molecular diagnostics (PCR) for select parasites
What to Expect
Accurate result reporting with a rapid turnaround time is important for our laboratory and for quality patient care. Highly qualified and trained professional staff provides essential, state-of-the-art diagnostic testing and access to board-certified Internal Medicine Specialists in Small, Large or Equine Medicine and Veterinary Dermatology to complement our diagnostic services. Our primary technician has over 20 years of experience in parasite diagnostics.
Our Parasitology laboratory utilizes superior diagnostic techniques to recover and identify parasites inhabiting a wide variety of pets, livestock, wildlife and zoological hosts.